Why Every Photographer Needs a Professional Watermark Remover

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In this blog, you’ll learn about watermarking images and the reasons why you should not add watermarks. Also, learn effective ways to apply your own watermark to your images.

Key Takeaways

  • Watermarks don’t stop people from stealing because removal apps can easily eliminate them. As a result, they offer little protection.
  • A lot of professional photographers use watermarks sparingly. Instead, a style that stays the same makes you stand out.
  • Additionally, watermarks can make it harder to share pictures. They mess up the composition and visual appeal.

The idea behind watermarking is valuable and easy to understand, but is it essential? As a provider of professional image watermark removal services, we have learned that adding a watermark is not always necessary. 

While adding a watermark to an image will help you keep it yours, it also looks unattractive. A large, noticeable watermark can diminish the beauty of a picture.

Don’t worry because there are other ways to guard your photos from being stolen if you wish to avoid using watermarks. You might notify the government about your copyright or post a copyright notice on your blog or website. 

What is a Watermark?

A watermark is a logo, text, or signature on top of a photograph/image. It is usually see-through, so people can enjoy the picture while still being able to tell who took it. Additionally, watermarking is also an important way to protect copyright because it stops people from using the image without permission.

Why Do You Need a Watermark Remover for Photos?

While there are some reasons why you may want to use watermarks, there is an equally fair argument as to why you may want to stop using watermarks. 

Watermarks Don’t Prevent Piracy

Having a watermark to prevent piracy would be fantastic, but unfortunately, that is not the case. Nowadays, image watermark removal apps exist, and they only require a few clicks to use.

Moreover, removing a watermark becomes even more straightforward if it is near the photo’s edge. Theft is as easy as cropping the logo or watermark from the image. Therefore, a watermark alone will not suffice as security. The only case where this is not applicable is when using a full-image watermark, such as those used by stock photography companies. These can’t be removed entirely.

Professionalism Doesn’t Require a Watermark

Watermarks are often associated with professionalism in the photography industry. However, the vast majority of well-known photographers choose not to use watermarks. Conversely, a poorly made watermark that needs to be more prominent is typically associated with inexperienced photographers.

Maintaining a high standard of quality throughout is a hallmark of genuine professionalism. If you really want to use a watermark, think about hiring a designer to make one that is small and discreet.

An effective defense against plagiarism and the secret to recognition is a strong, consistent visual style, the strongest argument against watermarks. Many photographers tried using watermarks when they were first starting but eventually stopped because of their negative effects on their work.

Study the photographs taken by the artists you admire. Most likely, many of them have decided not to use watermarks at all.

Watermarks Can Decrease Your Chances of Being Published or Featured

Watermarks greatly lower the possibility of image sharing since they stop businesses, blogs, and social media channels from prominently displaying the work.

These graphic components can compromise the visual attractiveness of an image. Furthermore, they contradict the brand-building strategy of encouraging a unique, consistent style that makes the photographer instantly recognizable.

Many weddings, lifestyle magazines, and other magazines follow the same guidelines. Often, the presence of a watermark prevents these platforms from considering the image, wasting chances for public awareness.

Watermarks Are Often Illegible

Watermarks that are hard to read are useless because they don’t engage viewers and make it harder to find the logo or text.

People who want to give credit to the photographer will usually do so in the caption or post, and they will often include a direct link to the photographer’s website. If you use a watermark, it should still be easy to read when the size shrinks. Otherwise, having it there will distract viewers’ attention from the image.

Watermarks Can Disrupt Your Photo’s Composition

Putting a distracting watermark on a picture after spending much money and time getting the perfect shot with an excellent composition doesn’t make sense.

Consequently, people often try to make the watermark smaller, but most don’t look good when they’re smaller. Instead, putting a photographer’s signature on the white border of a printed, limited edition image is the classiest way to show appreciation for their work. This method not only makes the picture more unique, but it can also raise its value.

To watermark or not to watermark?

There are a lot of pros and cons to watermarking photos that people in the photography community are constantly arguing about.

Firstly, while a watermark doesn’t stop people from stealing your picture, it also doesn’t mean your name will get more attention if you share it. Instead, watermarks can hurt the quality of your work because they often need better design and get in the way of your image. Ultimately, you are the only one who can decide if you want to add it or not. However, if you add the watermark, try to hide it as much as possible. Here are some tips for watermarking that will work:

  • Keep it small: Many of the time, small watermarks are too big. It’s easy to make watermarks that stand out too much. Thus, aim for as little size as possible while still being able to read.
  • Hide it: It’s possible to be sneaky and hide it in the picture sometimes. Alternatively, putting it out of the way is another choice. This ensures the subject of your image is the first thing people see. Lastly, you can use the more common watermarking method and place it in the bottom left or right corner to avoid being too noticeable.
  • Adjust the transparency level: Another common mistake is using a watermark that needs to be bigger or bold. In fact, these kinds of watermarks can be very annoying. To avoid this, try making your logo less opaque or smaller.

We Are Here To Help You!

Need professional image watermark removal? Look no further than ZPhotoedit. Our specialty is watermark removal from real estate, product, and fashion photos. With the help of our knowledgeable staff and advanced methods, we can restore photos to their original, flawless state.

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